Depression is one of the most major killers around the globe. A silent disease of the mind which is the most misunderstood. How can someone who apparently is fit and even bubbly be depressed? Jerk out of it we tell them; Be happy; shake it off; let it go and other such sage wisdom. Yet, these people keep getting worse and finally slide into a morose world of hopelessness, negativity and finally suicidal thinking.
11 common symptoms of depression:
Feeling helplessness and hopelessness with a bleak outlook; nothing works and won’t ever get better and there’s nothing that can improve the situation.
Loss of interest in daily activities. One doesn’t care anymore about hobbies, pastimes, social activities, or sex. One loses the ability to feel joy and pleasure.
Appetite loss or weight changes. Significant weight loss or weight gain—a change of more than 5% of body weight in a month.
Sleep changes. Either insomnia or oversleeping, Irregularities in sleeping patterns
Anger, irritability, Feeling agitated, restless, or even violent, tolerance levels are low, temper short, and everything and everyone gets on your nerves.
Loss of energy, feeling fatigued, sluggish, and physically drained, the whole body may feel squeezed or heavy, and even small tasks can be exhausting and seem to take longer and excessive energy to complete.
Judging oneself, Self-loathing, Strong feelings of worthlessness or guilt, criticize oneself for perceived faults and mistakes.
Reckless or escapist behavior such as substance abuse, compulsive gambling, reckless driving, or dangerous sports.
Concentration problems, Trouble focusing, making decisions, or remembering things.
Unexplained aches and pains. An increase in physical complaints such as headaches, back pain, aching muscles, and stomach pain.
A morbid interest in death, Suicide contemplating, speaking of dying…
Research says that there are physiological changes that take place in the brains of depressives, Chemical imbalances that need fixing by ingesting other chemicals. There is a deficiency or increment in the endorphins that regulate mood. Such people are doomed to a life of visiting psychiatrists and taking medicine to combat the condition.
Analysis and more research shows that even the thought processes are compromised. A person becomes sad because of something, and the degree of sadness increases slowly untill it infects all the thought processes of the individual, a sense of futility develops and one starts to look at all events with the negative filter. Hopelessness reigns. The depressed person loses the ability to believe in any positive outlook.
In this sense, depression and addiction are similar. In addiction one is obsessed with using the substance of choice. In depression one finds oneself in endless loops of thought leading to nothingness. This moroseness in the mind is a subtle undercurrent like an addict who’s had a small one, has a buzz on and is working or socialising with friends.
As in addiction one stops caring about anything but the substance, so in depression one loses the energy to fight the hopelessness and can’t care about anything but one’s condition. There is an immense lack of desire to do anything but what the negativity asks.
Only when one realises just how commanding the negativity is, and how self-centered one has become losing all positivity, does one realise the need to fight back and love oneself. Instead of losing to self-centered hopelessness, one begins the struggle to love oneself back into a winner. Zorba Wellness, a premium rehab in India has the expertise to help.
With the help of such a rehabilitation center, one begins to be aware of the various ways that negatives have become a part of us. The counselor at Zorba Wellness rehab center helps us to change negatives into positives. Now as progress happens and positivity starts winning this new struggle, there comes a sense of relief and self pride. We begin to shed the cocoon of depression and like a butterfly try the wings of change that we develop in one of the best rehab center in India. We Get Well!!!
Zorba Wellness is a rehabilitation center in Pune, where depression can be conquered with the support of trained, qualified and loving people who have been there done that and know just how tough the battle is and also that it can be won!!!. With our time tested as well as novel techniques, we bring out the real Winners in our clients.
Contact us now at our rehab in India, for a free consultation on +91 866 956 7929.