Drug and Alcohol Addiction in India is a rising concern as it is impacting more and more people, especially the young population of the country. As our societal stressors increase, and our high achievement oriented hustle culture increases, the mental health issues also increase, with addiction being one of the biggest ones. But the way we look at addiction is still primitive as lot of people stigmatize those suffering from addiction. Addiction to substances is seen as a moral failing, a problem with one’s character, a lack of will power or mental strength. The understanding and awareness of addiction as a disorder, a mental health issue that needs treatment just the same way a physical health issues does, is yet not widespread. A very small percentage of people suffering from addiction actually go into treatment. Most people or their families think that just by exercising their will power, the addict will recover. Or if some life situation gets resolved then the person will come out of addiction. Some people go to faith healers or places of religious significance, hoping that these will be a solution for their addiction. While it is true that many people can come out of their addiction themselves by employing better coping strategies, a relatively large chunk of people require professional treatment for drug or alcohol addiction.
The treatment options for addiction range from outpatient clinics, detox centers to residential rehabilitation programs. It is important to determine what is feasible for one’s own recovery based on one’s resources, but more importantly on the severity of one’s issue as well. Most people who are addicted to drugs or alcohol require rehabilitation. Rehabilitation is the process of taking an individual suffering from these issues and giving them a new environment, that is safe and supportive, where they are given treatment that helps reintegrate or rehabilitate them back into society as a productive member of society.
Choosing the right rehab is very important if one wants to ensure that the treatment process is appropriate for the individual. In this article we hope to shed light on some areas that one has to consider while making their choice for a rehab center.
1. Understanding the difference between Closed and Open Rehab Centers
Open rehab centers are those on which there is minimal security and all clients who enroll in the program do so willingly or voluntarily. Closed rehabs are those in which clients that are admitted both voluntarily and involuntarily. People who are in need of treatment and the severity of their illness needs immediate attention, but are in denial and don’t voluntarily go into treatment, are admitted involuntarily with the consent of family members. Although it is a very stressful situation but unavoidable if a person is damaging to themselves or others around them. But before choosing a closed rehab it is important to offer opportunities to the individual to choose to go voluntarily into treatment and offer counselling to encourage them to do so. Choosing to go for treatment obviously is more motivating for the person. Educating the person and the family for these options is very important when deciding between open or closed rehabs.
2. Evaluating the environment of the Rehab
Although a rehabilitation center is a place for people to get better, the environment may not always be conducive and positive. In rehabs where fear is the main force behind treatment, the result of the treatment will not be as positive as one where motivation based therapy is given. Some places have a dull or depressing environment, or one where clients are left by themselves without much input or help from the authorities. A conducive rehab environment is one where personal attention is given to the client, therapeutic activities are scheduled in the day and the clients are given positive reinforcement, empathetic listening and encouragement for recovery.
3. Considering the professionals and their approach
It is vital for treatment to go to a rehab center wherein ghetto professionals are qualified and experienced to handle drug or alcohol addiction, along with other Comorbid or co-occuring mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, phobias, obsessive thinking and so on. Checking the qualifications of the professionals is the first step. The next is to understand their approach to treatment, their understanding of the issue and motivation to help the person. Trust and rapport building is the first step to ensure treatment. Afterall the client has to feel that they are in good hands and can follow the direction for treatment.
4. Application of Holistic approach
A holistic approach that focuses not just on addiction treatment, but on overall well-being is what is required to overcome mental health problems. Taking care of physical health, focusing on detox and withdrawal management, exercise, nutrition, regulating sleep, etc are key areas for working on physiological wellness. Mental health treatment in a holistic approach has to focus on the patterns of thought, emotion and behavior that are underlying the addiction. Working on relapse prevention, emotional regulation, mindfulness and meditation, challenging negative thoughts, cultivating healthy behaviors, are all vital to the addict’s recovery.
5. Resource Management
One has to consider the first feasibility of what rehabs are available and what resources one has. Financial resources are a major deciding factor for many families. However, even with limited resources one can still find a place that is suitable to the individual. Other than the financial aspect, the geographical location, amenities in the rehab, allowance of mobiles or laptops, duration of program, are all factors to be considered before deciding on a rehab center.
6. Opportunity for Family Counselling
As part of the treatment process for drug and alcohol addiction, it is important to involve the family in therapy. This entails psychoeducsting the family about the illness, conveying to them what and how these treatments process will unfold, help them build a support system for the addict in recovery, work on their individual grievances towards the addict, and create a positive and supportive environment for them when they’re are discharged. The family or loved ones need to know about triggers of the addict in recovery that can lead to their relapse and how to handle them if or when the craving or other mental health issues crop up.
At ZorbaWellness Rehabilitation Center, we treat alcohol and drug addiction using a holistic approach that includes these key areas in the treatment plan. We aim to provide a conducive environment that works in favor of the addict’s recovery and helps them enjoy recovery and see the benefits that sobriety and mental health care brings for them. Our team of experts works on different areas with the individual, ensuring that they learn the skills or tools that they can use to sustain their recovery and employ in their long term mental health care. The clients learn to use these tools such as cognitive restructuring, emotional regulation, mindfulness training, identifying and processing blocks in recovery, assertiveness training and so on to stabilize their mental health and improve their psychological well-being. Afterall, recovery is a process, not a destination!