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Discover the joy of recovery by saying yes to destination treatment for drug and alcohol addiction. Destination treatment takes you away from the triggers which push you towards addiction. Please fill the below form to know more.

Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation centre in Hyderabad

The 'City of Nizams,' Hyderabad is famous for its royal history, culture and architecture and mainly for the 'tehzeeb' or the 'Dakhini tehzeeb' which is the traditional lifestyle of Hyderabadi Muslims. It represents the unique blend of north and south culture. In today's times, the drug and alcohol dependence in this royal city are at an all time high.

The number of government centres are low but private rehabilitation centres make up for that by providing world class treatment facilities. They also provide detox programs which meet the global standard. Rehabilitation centres design and implement treatment using a combination of pharmacological management and psychotherapy for dependence, other psychiatric issues such as anxiety or mood changes and persistent negative patterns of behavior.

The age group of people who take admission in rehabilitation centres is from 18 to 60 years. The younger group seeks treatment predominantly for drug abuse and the older group seeks treatment for alcohol abuse or dependence.

Drug and Alcohol Addiction in Hyderabad

Hyderabad is struggling with the issue of addiction since years. Let us have a brief look at the current scenario of addiction in Hyderabad:

  • Hyderabad has a vast drug network and the common drugs used by the population are marijuana, opium, cocaine,LSD and even ketamine which is also known as the date rape drug.
  • Telangana stands at an astounding number five, following Andhra Pradesh, it's neighbour, in the use of heroin and opiod pharmaceutical drugs.
  • According to the National Drug Dependence Treatment Center (NDDTC) and All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), around 8.5 Lakh people use heroin and opioids and around 69,000 need assistance who use unhygienic syringes to inject drugs.
  • Injecting drugs is also on the rise in Hyderabad, increasing the risk of HIV.
  • Drug addiction is making is way though the younger population especially school going adolescents and college students.
  • Alcohol addiction is also a major problem and as reported by a government rehab centre, 19 out of 20 patients in treatment are addicted to alcohol.
  • In Andhra Pradesh, over 47 Lakh people need help for their alcohol problems and 6% of the population is dependent on alcohol.
  • Many behavioral issues associated with addictive behavior such as gaming and internet addiction are also on the rise.

Single client specific Rehabilitation centre in Hyderabad

ZorbaWellness offers exclusive services for treatment of drug and alcohol addiction in treatment program which is single client focused. Here are some highlights of our treatment program:

  • Personal attention and consistent care: Focusing on one client at a time helps us to provide personal care and support to the person and their loved ones, so that their recovery is guided in the best possible ways.
  • Physical fitness and Nutrition: We believe that physical and mental health go hand in hand. Hence, options for physical fitness such as yoga, gyming or personal preferences for sport activities are encouraged during treatment. Nutritious meals prepared keeping in mind the dietary needs and preferences of clients are provided.
  • Meditation: An important part of recovery is to learn to be present and have acceptance towards various situations in life. This can be achieved through meditation and we facilitate many different kinds of meditations that people at different stages in their life can respond to.
  • Psychotherapy: Resolving current and past psychological issues is a cornerstone in our treatment program. However, learning new and healthier behavioral patterns, thought patterns and emotional regulation is equally important. Therapy at ZorbaWellness is designed for each client, with an understanding of their personal needs and goals.
  • Family counselling: To make sure the person in recovery returns to a safe and caring environment, family counselling is given priority in single client focused approach. Family therapy rebuilds relations and seeks to renew the trust, respect and warmth which can make family bonds stronger.
  • Holistic treatment: Through the single client focused approach, we can provide treatment which spans over all areas of their life. Holistic treatment involves physical fitness, psychological interventions and spiritual upliftment.

Reasons to choose Hyderabad for treatment of Drug and Alcohol Addiction

  • Hyderabad offers a range of rehabilitation services which meet the global standards of treatment of addiction.
  • Our destination treatment program focuses on voluntary, non-medical treatment of individuals, treating them with respect and dignity.
  • The cultural treasures and activities to do in Hyderabad offer a respite to a monotonous life and make recovery fun.
  • Complete confidentiality and privacy is maintained in our treatment program in Hyderabad.
  • A well curated team of mental health professionals with experience in the field can help guide you into living a life of recovery.

Understanding Codependency treatment

Living with or being a close relative or friend of a person who is addicted is an emotional rollercoaater for many people. They are caught in a loop of wanting to help the person but facing emotional disturbance when they see that they can't. This makes them see derive their self worth from whether they are able to help the person or not.

This psychological dependence is called codependency. Treating codependency is as important as treating addiction because the support system for the addict needs to be in place when he or she goes back home after treatment.

To help the codependent live a life that does not depend on the other's recovery or relapse and in turn help the recovering addict return to a safe and supportive environment after recovery are at the crux of codependency treatment. Thus both parties are able to maintain their mental health, rediscover their individuality and build stronger relationships.

Your Road To Recovery Begins Here Talk To Our Expert Counselor

The treatment to any kind of addiction begins from identification and acceptance which you need to provide to your loved ones. For further support, fill the form below and our expert counselor will contact you.